Early 40s, previous breast augmentation 10 years prior performed elsewhere with smooth round implants placed in a subglandular pocket. Wide cleavage, poor shape and capsular contracture Bilateral breast augmentation corrected by Dr Miroshnik with 360g moderate profile, P-URE implants.
Early 40s, previous breast augmentation 10 years prior performed elsewhere with smooth round implants placed in a subglandular pocket. Wide cleavage, poor shape and capsular contracture corrected Bilateral breast augmentation by Dr Miroshnik with 360g moderate profile, P-URE implants.
Late 30s, previous breast augmentation 10 years prior done elsewhere with smooth saline implants. Poor shape, malposition and capsular contraction corrected by Dr Miroshnik with neo-subpectoral placed, 425cc high profile, anatomical (teardrop) implants.
Late 30s, previous breast augmentation 10 years prior done elsewhere with smooth saline implants. Poor shape, malposition and capsular contraction. removal and replacement performed by Dr Miroshnik with neo-subpectoral placed, 425cc high profile, anatomical (teardrop) implants.
Late 20s, previous implants had 'bottomed out', creating a 'double bubble' appearance. removal and replacement performed by Dr Miroshnik with capsulorrhaphy and 315g moderate profile, polyurethane (P-URE) anatomical (teardrop) shaped implants.
Late 20s, previous implants had 'bottomed out', creating a 'double bubble' appearance. Bilateral breast removal and replacement performed by Dr Miroshnik with capsulorrhaphy and 315g moderate profile, polyurethane (P-URE) anatomical (teardrop) shaped implants.
Late 40s, children, previous breast augmentation with saline implants. Poor shape, positioning and size corrected by Dr Miroshnik with partial capsulectomy, lateral capsulorrhaphy and subpectoral placed, 460cc high profile, textured round implants.
Late 40s, children, previous breast augmentation with saline implants. Poor shape, positioning and size corrected by Dr Miroshnik with partial capsulectomy, lateral capsulorrhaphy and subpectoral placed, 460cc high profile, textured round implants.
Early 40's, previous breast augmentation performed elsewhere with smooth saline implants. Poor shape and droop (ptosis) corrected by Dr Miroshnik with a revision augmentation (with 335g high profile teardrop shape implants) plus vertical short scar breast lift.
Early 40's, previous breast augmentation performed elsewhere with smooth saline implants. Poor shape and droop (ptosis) corrected by Dr Miroshnik with a revision augmentation (with 335g high profile teardrop shape implants) plus vertical short scar breast lift.
Late 20s, previous breast augmentation performed elsewhere. This patient demonstrates the phenomenon of implant 'bottoming out'. Revision breast augmentation surgery performed by Dr Miroshnik to restore implants to their correct place.
Late 20s, previous breast augmentation performed elsewhere. This patient demonstrates the phenomenon of implant 'bottoming out'. Revision breast augmentation surgery performed by Dr Miroshnik to restore implants to their correct place.
Early 20's, original augmentation surgery performed elsewhere. Removal/capsulectomy and replacement of both breast implants by Dr Miroshnik to improve shape and consistency after capsular contracture.
Early 20's, original augmentation surgery performed elsewhere. Removal/capsulectomy and replacement of both breast implants by Dr Miroshnik to improve shape and consistency after capsular contracture.
Late 40s, 3 children, removal and replacement of existing breast implants combined with breast reshaping/lifting (mastopexy) surgery. Dr Miroshnik combined this revisional surgery here with a full tummy tuck procedure (abdominoplasty).
Late 40s, 3 children, removal and replacement of existing breast implants combined with breast reshaping/lifting (mastopexy) surgery. Dr Miroshnik combined this revisional surgery here with a full tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedure.
40 yo, 1 child, revision breast augmentation, reshaping, removal and replacement of implants. This lady had her breasts distorted over time by her implants of many years. New 360g textured round implants have been combined with her reshaping/lifting (mastopexy) procedure.
40 yo, 1 child, revision breast augmentation, reshaping, removal and replacement of implants. This lady had her breasts distorted over time by her implants of many years. New 360g textured round implants have been combined with her reshaping/lifting (mastopexy) procedure.
Early 30's, original augmentation surgery performed elsewhere. Removal/capsulectomy and replacement of both breast implants using 360g textured, round implants.
Early 30's, original augmentation surgery performed elsewhere. Removal/capsulectomy and replacement of both breast implants using 360g textured, round implants.
Previous breast surgery overseas, revision breast lift + implants (augmentation mastopexy) to better tighten the skin envelope and shape the breast.
Previous breast surgery overseas, revision breast lift + implants (augmentation mastopexy) to better tighten the skin envelope and shape the breast.
20s, breast augmentation revisional surgery removing existing malpositioned, contracted round implants and replacing with submuscular 470g P-URE style anatomics.
20s, breast augmentation revisional surgery removing existing malpositioned, contracted round implants and replacing with submuscular 470g P-URE style anatomics.
Breast implant removal and replacement with subfascial placement of 410g anatomical P-URE implants to narrow cleavage and improve symmetry.
Bilateral removal and replacement of implants with subfascial placement of 410g anatomical P-URE implants to narrow cleavage and improve symmetry.
Correction of 'waterfall deformity' from previous breast augmentation surgery, with lift (mastopexy)and removal and replacement of implants.
Correction of asymmetry, severe funnel chest and implant malposition with implant removal, replacement, fat grafting and internal bra.
Bilateral breast augmentation Correction of rippling around cleavage and reshaping lower pole of breast with capsulectomy, internal bra and 555cc anatomical dual plane positioned implants.
Bilateral breast augmentation Correction of rippling around cleavage and reshaping lower pole of breast with capsulectomy, internal bra and 555cc anatomical dual plane positioned implants.
Removal and replacement of implants. Correction of double bubble deformity with plane change and internal bra.
Removal and replacement of implants. Correction of double bubble deformity with plane change and internal bra.
Bottoming out right breast implant corrected with bilateral removal and replacement of implants / internal bras and capsular flaps.
Disclaimer: All surgeries on this page are performed by Dr Miroshnik and are published with consent by our patients. Before/after images are taken at approximately 6 months postop unless otherwise stated. They are not guarantees that your results will be the same, as results will vary between individuals. Any surgery or invasive procedure has a recovery time and associated risks, further information on this can be found by clicking this page https://www.drmiroshnik.com.au/recovery/. If you have any questions, please call us to arrange a consultation with Dr Miroshnik.