Breast Augmentation / Breast Implants

image description Bilateral breast augmentation Early 30s, athletic, no children, 255g anatomical (teardrop) moderate profile implants, dual plane 2 placement, AA -> C cup.

Breast augmentation and enlargement surgery is Dr Miroshnik‘s most commonly performed procedure.

Dr Miroshnik is experienced in performing breast augmentations having performed the procedure in over 3,500 women.

There are many decisions to make when considering breast implant surgery with Dr Miroshnik, including the type of look you desire, the type of implant to use, its size, shape as well as the location of any surgical incisions, pocket locations and placements.

These aspects of breast enhancement are discussed individually in separate sections below.

The best choices for these are, of course, individually determined and are best made in consultation with Dr Miroshnik himself.


Recovery Milestones for Breast Augmentation Surgery with Dr Miroshnik:

  • 7 days off work for office-based jobs
  • 10-14 days off work for more physical-type work
  • No driving for 1 week

Breast Augmentation Subcategories

Proportional Breast Augmentation


For many women, one of the big priorities of their breast enhancement procedure is for the result to look as proportional as possible. There is no one-size-fits all formula to achieve a proportional look, as everyone’s body shape is different and unique in its own way.

Dr Miroshnik will often use fat grafting as an adjunct to key areas such as the cleavage lines, upper and lower poles to help contour the final shape of the breast. The augmentation procedure may involve the use of both round or anatomic/teardrop implants of various widths and sizes.

Some women request the largest possible breast size which is still in proportion with their body and looks true to their frame. After careful measurement during consultation, Dr Miroshnik can advise you on which size, style of surgery and type of implant will best achieve this for you.

Enhanced Proportion Breast Augmentation


In this type of breast augmentation surgery an emphasis is placed on providing maximum size and maximum upper fullness as well as very close cleavage lines. In order to achieve these parameters, Dr Miroshnik will usually use what are known as high or extra high profile implants to achieve this. Adjunctive fat grafting is almost always required as the skin will often thin from large implant volumes and needs the added support for long term shape.

Conservative Proportion Breast Augmentation


This type of procedure is suitable for those who are starting with almost no breast tissue at all i.e. AA or A cup and are desiring a more conservative result. The emphasis here is on shape rather than absolute size and implant sizes are kept on the lower side of the scale. Adjunctive fat grafting is again common, and the proportion of fat harvested and used is often maximised. It is a particularly popular choice in women who are petite or athletic who don’t want to be weighed down by their breasts. It is also requested by those who want minimal change and desire only a subtle increase in size or slight shape change to what they already have.

Minimal Tissue Breast Augmentation



Some women who desire a breast augmentation procedure start with so little of their own tissue (AA -AAA cup), that their chest can be referred to as a ‘blank palette’!


Dr Miroshnik usually recommends the use of anatomical, memory gel implants in these circumstances combined with a dual-plane, submuscular placement which maximises muscle coverage in order to conceal implant edges. If there is available fat for harvest, it is almost always used by Dr Miroshnik for grafting to further conceal the result.

Hybrid/Composite Breast Augmentation


Hybrid breast augmentation refers  to the addition of fat grafting to a breast augmentation procedure. In this way, the augmented breast is not only composed of new implant but also by a variable proportion of ones own fat.

Fat for grafting into the breast is best taken from the lower abdomen or inner thighs. These two areas of fat harvest have proven to be the most successful in this procedure and Dr Miroshnik will assess these donor sites for suitability during your consultation.

In combination with gel implants, fat is particularly useful in highlighting and blending in areas such as the cleavage, decolletage, lower pole of the breast and outer pole. It is also useful for concealing bony irregularities and implant characteristics in those with little native breast tissue.

Breast Augmentation for Ptosis (Droop)



In some women the prime motivation for surgery is to literally re-inflate the breast, and by doing so, eliminate the visible signs of ptosis (breast droop).

This is particularly true for mothers and those who have experienced significant weight loss.

The best implants to correct glandular ptosis are usually anatomically shaped and need to be custom-fitted to suit the individual. Implants with thicker, highly cohesive silicone gel are also preferred by Dr Miroshnik for this purpose.

Dr Miroshnik uses a customised dual-plane method in order to achieve maximum lift with the use of implants only, thereby avoiding a formal breast lift. It is important to note that this procedure however, is for those with only minimal aging. If there is excessive skin on skin contact with the breast and torso then a formal mastopexy (breast lift) is usually required.

Breast Augmentation in Asian Women


When it comes to breast implant surgery for asian patients, there are several key differences that need to be acknowledged during planning and surgery. These are taken into consideration when choosing the style, size and type of implant as well as the choice of technique used to place it.

 Some of the important unique features of Asian women to consider include:


 Skin type & quality

Asian skin has a variable amount of pigmentation, elasticity and thickness which can influence implant choice as it has to allow for the anticipated increase in cup size.


Breast characteristics & shape

Asian women tend to have smaller breasts that are surrounded by a tight skin envelope. The operation is therefore often one of shape rather than absolute size.


Nipple Size

Some Asian women are bothered by large nipples which often become more apparent after breast feeding. If nipple size is a problem, a nipple reduction or reshaping procedure may be a consideration during the breast augmentation.


Incision site care

Asian patient’s skin may hyperpigment i.e. go dark in and around the incision placed during a breast augmentation procedure. Postoperative scar care is therefore critical to ensure an optimal outcome.

Breast Augmentation to Correct Symmetry


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A small amount of breast asymmetry is a normal finding, and one which most women would accept.

Large differences in breast size, shape or position however, can be quite visible and throw off the balance of the female form. 


Breast asymmetry correction may involve lifting, adding or subtracting volume from one or both breasts in the hope of restoring balance and symmetry between the two breasts. Adding volume may also involve fat grafting.


For more information on breast symmetry correction, please click here: Breast Asymmetry

Tuberous Breast Correction



Tuberous (also known as ‘snoopy’, ‘tubular’ or constricted) breasts are breasts that are misshaped, having grown in an unusual way due to the presence of a constricting ring of tissue at their base.


The constriction leads to deficient horizontal +/- vertical development of the breast and may lead to areolar enlargement. The condition itself is often inherited and usually affects the breasts asymmetrically, the estimated incidence being approximately 5% of the female population.


Unlike regular breast reshaping/augmentation, with tuberous breasts, it is important to release the constricting ring of tissue as well as redistribute the existing breast tissue in a way that promotes better breast shape and associated implant coverage.


Mild cases of tuberous breasts are suitable for standard breast augmentation surgery and fat grafting. Moderate to severe cases however, will require more complex techniques involving periareolar or vertical incisions and may require more than one surgery.


For more information on breast augmentation procedures for tuberous type breasts, please click here: Tuberous Breast Correction 

Breast Augmentation Revision/Correction


Problems with breast augmentation may occur as a result of poor planning, poor surgery or simply as a result of the way scarring and healing has occurred in the individual patient. All implants themselves are not lifetime devices and will eventually need to be updated and replaced – the usual recommended time being 10-15 years after the primary operation.


Dr Miroshnik treats patients from all over the country who have had their breast augmentation surgery performed elsewhere. The assessment process and the technical aspects of the corrective surgery itself are usually many times more complicated than primary (or first-time) breast augmentation. For this reason, secondary (or corrective) plastic surgery is frequently more expensive and takes longer. It is often, however, at least partially health fund rebatable if there are problems with the device itself such as rupture.


To learn more about corrective breast augmentation surgery, please visit this page: Breast Implant Revision/Correction 

‘Internal Bra’ Lower Breast Pole Support


An ‘internal bra’ is either a barbed stitch or mesh which is used to support the lower pole of the implant in the breast pocket. It is a useful technique performed by Dr Miroshnik to allow for extra reinforcement of the infra-mammary fold (IMF) and in doing so stops implant migration downwards.

This is particularly useful in this day and age as many women choose not to wear bras with certain clothes after their augmentation procedure. In this setting, an internal bra helps stop implant migration inferiorly and the phenomenon of  ‘bottoming out’ as well as ‘lateralisation’. 

Dr Miroshnik's Before/After Galleries


Breasts come in all shapes and sizes and there are literally thousands of styles, techniques and implants that can be used in combination to suit your needs. To make it easier to navigate around the various options we have subdivided the main breast augmentation gallery to follow the subcategories listed above.

Please explore these galleries and subdivisions by going to the breast galleries section of the website.

It is important to note that these images and their descriptions should be used as a guide only. They are not a replacement for a consultation as individual needs vary.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Breast Augmentation Recovery


IMG_5889_edit_RGB copyDr Miroshnik uses the same anaesthetists and dedicated team of nurses for all his surgeries. Most procedures are performed as day-only procedures using a fast recovery general anaesthetic. Most patients are back to office based duties within 7-10 days and are doing light exercises within the first 2 weeks.


For more information on the recovery/risks associated with surgery please visit our recovery page.

Implant Type & Size

Choosing the right implant type


Dr Miroshnik works with all types, shapes and styles of breast implants with all the major breast implant manufacturers of the world.


The two very broad categories of implant shape are round and anatomic (teardrop), which are detailed below. Many women, who are considering breast augmentation surgery already have some sort of preference in mind when it comes to these shapes. It is important, however, to remember though that the way these shaped implants are used, and in particular their placement, will affect the way they look in any individual. The amount and quality of pre-existing breast tissue is also very important in the look that these two implant types can achieve. Dr Miroshnik will guide you to the type and style of implant that will work best for you and your body during your consultation.

Round Implants


Round Implants have a circular base and therefore a height and width that are equal. They also add volume equally to all parts of the breast. Round implants vary in their surface and the type of gel fill they have. Some round base implants contain particularly soft/malleable gel that is designed to look like a teardrop implant under the influence of gravity. More information about implant types and available options for surgery will be available at your consultation.

Anatomic/Teardrop Implants


Anatomic (or teardrop) implants have a shape that is made to look more like a real breast. They are more customisable than round implants as their width doesn’t have to equal their height. They are an excellent choice in those with very little breast tissue to start with, those with breasts that are somewhat droopy and those with tuberous or misshaped breasts. They generally allow for more customisation than round implants as a lot more shapes and sizes are available to choose from and suit your anatomical needs. More information about implant types and available options for surgery will be available at your consultation.

Implant Size


During your consultation, Dr Miroshnik will suggest sizes that match the type of result you would like to achieve with your augmentation. Many women have a cup size in mind when considering breast enhancement, whereas others are happy to be guided by Dr Miroshnik.


The ideal sized implant is determined by considering the width of your chest, the amount of skin and quality of skin you have available as well as the type of result you would like to achieve.


Dr Miroshnik will use sizers to allow you to assess the look and feel of various implants that he may use. In some cases of asymmetry, two different sized implants are sometimes needed as well as the use of fat grafting for optimal outcomes.

Types of Implant Fill


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Today, the best breast implant manufacturers in the world supply a variety of silicone gel fills. All silicone gel inside these implants holds its shape to some extent like jelly (jello) or gummy bear lollies. However the gel itself does vary on how firm it is to the touch and its shape-holding qualities.


In general, the firmer a gel is the better shape holding characteristics it has, whereas the softer it is the less shape holding capacity it has.


You may see terms such as ‘memory shape’ , ‘memory gel’, or ‘highly cohesive gel’ used to describe implants that are filled with silicone gel that has high shape retaining properties. In fact, most of the anatomical implants have a highly cohesive gel with maximum shape holding capacity.


Dr Miroshnik has a vast experience with the use of highly cohesive gel implants and will let you know if they are your best choice during your consultation.


Techniques for Breast Augmentation Placement

Techniques for Breast Augmentation Placement

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Under the pectoralis muscle (Submuscular Technique) In this technique, Dr Miroshnik covers the implant with the entire pectoralis muscle for maximum coverage. The implant therefore lies under the entire muscle. Sometimes surrounding musculature is also recruited to further add coverage.
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Under the breast tissue (Subglandular Technique) Here the chosen implant is placed in a pocket that Dr Miroshnik creates under the existing breast tissue. The implant therefore lies over the muscle and doesn’t interfere with it.
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Under the muscle fascia (Subfascial Technique) In this technique, Dr Miroshnik uses the lining of the pectoralis muscle (also called fascia) to cover the implant along with the breast itself. The implant still lies over the muscle and doesn’t interfere with it.
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Partly under the muscle / Partly under the breast (Dual-Plane Technique) A combination of the above. Some of the implant in key areas is covered by muscle whereas other areas are covered by fascia/breast tissue. This technique is further subdivided into different ratios of coverage from 1 to 4. This is by far the preferred method of coverage by Dr Miroshnik for most patients as it allows for the most customisation and longevity of the result.

Customised Dual-Plane Placement by Dr Miroshnik


Further developing the dual-plane method, Dr Miroshnik moves the muscle in such a way as to create volume in areas where it is most needed and hide volume where it is less needed. Customising the exact position of the pectoralis muscle in not only its vertical position but also its angulation allows for even more precise control of breast shape. Dr Miroshnik has pioneered this method of dual plane positioning and lectures about this to other plastic surgeons world-wide.

Dr. Michael Miroshnik
Suite 701, Level 7, 28 Spring Street, Bondi Junction, NSW, 2022.
02 9389 8108